Wednesday, October 3

Preparing for NWP

Valorie Stokes at Prairie Lands Writing Project and I are in the process of planning together for an NWP workshop about designing summer tech camps for youth. It's already been valuable for me just to see the different ways camps can be run--PLWP has been holding month-long camps for several years now. Valorie and I have had success sharing documents and writing together with Google docs, and I'm wondering if we might simply add to it the resources we've found valuable and open it up as a resource site. The other option would be to create a resource wiki. I think both would allow others to contribute, which is what we're after--a resource page about designing tech camps that can grow from other sites who're leading youth tech programs.

Valorie has used digital storytelling in her camps, and I stumbled today on Jason Ohler's webpage through a de.lic.ious "digital storytelling" search. The 25 questions to ask about technology handout might stir some thinking about the questions we ask when considering the benefits of different technologies in our classrooms.

I'm thinking about asking some of the social context questions during our digital video workshops this week with Paige's high school students.

Monday, October 1

Movie Maker Projects

Student "poster projects" created to brainstorm and share film making ideas

If you're interested in using Movie Maker (or iMovie for that matter) in your classroom, check out the beginnings of a project that Paige Cole is doing with her high school students. They're creating short films about important issues in their lives--pregnancy, relationships, stresses of college entrance exams, displacement from Hurricane Katrina. Paige and I are trying to share resources we've found or created about both Movie Maker and using digital video as a learning tool through Red Clay Writing Project's tech team wiki. We'd welcome any new resources.